UNICEF - Meena Radio all Programme Episode
The Meena Radio Programme is an entertainment-education programme that was developed by UNICEF in partnership with the Department of Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) and its Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) State Project Office. The programme’s aims at the time of inception included:

- To cause a measurable change in knowledge, attitude and intent on key child rights issues, and issues related to child health, sanitation, and hand hygiene amongst students.
- To address existing social norms that prevent 100% enrollment, retention and completion of upper primary education for girl children.
- To improve skills amongst children reached through the programme, in problem solving, negotiation, and pro-social behavior.
- To model and endorse the concept of child friendly schools, and life skill-based education.
The Meena Radio Programme was designed as a combination of mass media and interpersonal communication. The 15-minute radio programme was developed comprising of three segments: songs, stories and games. It was decided to include the radio programme as a part of the structured school time-table for middle school students. This ensured that all the students could listen to the programme and engage in a post broadcast teacher-facilitated discussion on the key messages of the day’s episode.
The Meena Radio Programme was piloted in 9 districts in Uttar Pradesh (UP) in 2010 and expanded to the rest of the state in 2012. The programme was introduced in Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Madhya Pradesh (MP) in 2012.
UNICEF engaged Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Ltd. (Deloitte) to carry out an evaluation of the Meena Radio Programme in UP, AP, and MP.
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