Apr 1, 2018

What is Comedy?

What is Comedy?

  • Characteristics of comedy form

                 Comedy in the contemporary meaning of the term is any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to be amused by inducing laughter especially in theatre, television film, and stand-up comedy. The comedy is a kind of literature that creates an atmosphere of joy and laughter.

         The word ‘comedy’ comes from the Greek word ‘ komos ‘ or merrymaking ‘comedies’ were popular during the golden age of drama 5th century. Old comedies relied largely on witty language and character their point was to satirize something in society.

characteristics of comedy form

  •        Comedy as a relax human being

       A play that gives pleasant moments of dark life and makes life happier. A laugh is a symbol of comedy.

   “ The pure comedy is entirely free from the wrath or zeal of the reforms or the moralist… “
-          Meridith

             The function of comedy is fully touched with mind and merely to provide light-hearted fun that should be thoughtful and impersonal.

  •     Comedy based on far-fetched senses of humor situations

                Comedy deals with an idea that also a way of writing for the subject matter. Comedy parts of the freakish events as well as complicated characters. There should be a realistic depiction of strange characters. If the aim of comedy is corrective.

  “ Human follies may be the subject matter in a comedy “.
-          Ben Johnson


               Sex is also involved in the favorite topic in comedy. e.g Tom Jones by fielding the reason is that comedy functions as a safety-valve for passions or erotic passions. Comedy is essentially related to men and not with fairies.

  •         Style of comedy

           The writer of comedy has to be very much sure about the style of presenting the comedy from variously. The comedy should be precise; all characters and situations should be clear. The writer must have an ability to be direct, simple and to the point. The writer should be able analytic his expressions of characters and purpose. Sometimes irony can be an effective tool to convey the meaning to the readers for e.g. Gulliver’s travel’s by swift. The good comedy represents dialogue for effectiveness. Thus style covers dialogue, rhetoric, simplicity, directness, precise etc.

  •       Characters of Comedy

            In the comedy characters selected according to the life represents in the play. The psychology or science or the law of morality judged its value. It deals with common people of society. They must not be heroic as well as critical. They should not be heroic but also critical. They blow out deeply feeling in the speech, behavior, action, and lifestyle. In short, comedy is supposed to be a man of good sense not a virtuous.

  •       The plot of the comedy

        Plot means a logical sequence of important events. The valuable thing about comedy is that heroin comedy is free, not fake. Thus he can solve the complications as per his common sense. The plot of comedy is related to the contrast and balance of characters rather than a march of events.

        In short, comedy is a wonderful literary piece which observes aim, style, characters and plot in peculiar was. The main aim of comedy to entertain the audience and make them laugh.    

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