Sep 2, 2018

what are the types of sentences learn with examples?

What are the types of sentences?
                             What kind of things does a sentence do?

Definition:    “ A sentence is a word which makes complete sense.”

Definition:     “ A sentence is a group of words expressing a complete thought. “

                          -  Donald p. Delton.

Definition:     “ An oral or written communication is made up of one or more units called sentences. “   – Zandvoort

 types of sentences

Characteristic of a sentence:

The sentence is either oral or written communication.

The beginning and end of a sentence when spoken or written are usually marked by a pause.

In writing the beginning of a sentence is indicated by a capital letter and the end by a full stop or a question mark or an exclamation mark i.e. punctuation mark. (?)

A sentence can be divided into two parts

(1) Subject                    2. Predicate

A sentence has always a finite verb without verb a sentence can never be formed. It like subject may be kept understood.

                     Sentences can do four different kinds of things and the kind of thing determiners the type of sentence.

A sentence can an (1) Assertive or declarative sentence.

(2) An interrogative sentence

(3) An imperative sentence

(4) An exclamatory sentence

(5) Optative sentence

(1) Assertive or Declarative sentence:

     Definition:  A sentence that makes a statement or assertion is called a declarative or assertive sentence.


He is a good teacher.

The dog is a faithful animal.

He does not play cricket.

Mr. Mehta was my teacher.

(2) Interrogative sentence:

     Definition: a sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence. It either demands information or a confirmation or rejection. Questions which demand information is called information seeking or information question.

     Those which demand either confirmation or rejection are called ‘Yes ‘or ‘No‘questions or inverted questions.


1     What is your name?

       Has he sent the message?

        Did you not go to the station?

          What is there in your bag?

       Are you not well?

(3) Imperative sentence:

     Definition:  a sentence that expresses as a command or makes a request is called an imperative sentence.


1     Come here at once.

       Keep quiet.

      Don’t talk.

       Go out

      Don’t touch my body.

(4) Exclamatory sentence:

Definition:  A sentence that expresses a strong feeling or expresses sudden outburst of emotion is called an exclamatory sentence.


How cold it is!

What a grand scenes it was! 

Alas, he is no more!

How fine is the college!

(5) Optative sentence:

     Definition: a sentence that expresses blessings, good wishes is called Optative sentence.


May God bless you!

May you be happy!

Many many happy returns of the day.

Best of luck.

Happy birthday.

Finally, a sentence is the small unit of the language that expresses our ideas, feelings or emotions and communicates them to other persons through a sentence.

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