Oct 1, 2018

The grammar topics of Grammar Translation Method


The grammar topics 

   Today I discussed the grammar topics of The grammar-translation method is the centuries-old teaching method. This grammar topic particularly for a future teacher who has been learning English. This method was adopted by teachers who were engaged in the teaching of classical languages like 'Latin' or 'Greek' in western countries. Learning Latin or Greek was the activity of scholars. The Grammar topics unique and helpful for teachers.

Grammar Translation Method

In this grammar topics, we clarify a grammar-translation method. So this grammar-translation method is also known as 'The classical Method' because it is very much helpful in learning the classical languages like Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Latin, and Greek etc. Mother's tongue has dominated the activities to be carried out in the classrooms as in this method; words, phrases, and sentence are to be taught with the help of it. It means that everything should be taught by translating them into the mother tongue.

* Characteristics of Grammar Translation Method:- 

This Grammar topic may be very helpful for B.Ed students.

1. Classes are taught in mother tongue with little active use of target language.

2. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated words.

3. English grammar is taught through rules, definitions, translation and comparative study of mother tongue grammar.

4. The teaching of English is carried out with an explanation of grammatical rules.

5. It considers grammar as the soul of language.

    * Advantages of Grammar Translation Method :

1. The use of the mother tongue makes teaching activity very easy.

2. It helps to impart correct knowledge of the English language by an emphasis on grammar.

3. It is very effective because pupils are able to understand words, phrases, and idioms easily because they are translated into the mother tongue.

4. The pupils get definite ideas about language items because every words, phrases, and sentence are translated into the mother tongue.

5. In this method, the child 'proceeds from the known to the unknown' this gives him a better comprehension of what is learned.

6. The working knowledge of the mother tongue helps them to learn the grammar of the foreign language. 

7. We can test the comprehension of our pupils by this method.

8. It develops the art of translation.

9. It is useful to understand the differences between structures and sentences of English and native language.

10. It can be easily used in overcrowded classes.

* Disadvantages:

1. This method does not an emphasis on the basics skills like speaking, listening etc.

2. It has no preparations for teaching certain spoken language aspects like articulation, intonation, pause, pitch etc.

3. There are some words, idioms, and phrases in English for which word to word translation in the mother tongue is not possible.

e.g Prepositions and phrases as they create a variety of meanings when used.

4. Literal translation ruins the sense and beauty of sentence. It also fails to arrest 'soul' of the word and mind of the author.

5. It does not create a direct bond between thought and expression, children begin thinking in mother tongue first and then they think in English. Thus, it prevents them from thinking directly in English.

6. Overemphasis on grammar makes the teaching process dry and burdensome.

7. It gives a rare opportunity to the children to particulate in the discussion of the unit.

8. It favors teaching English by rules. 

Dr. Ballad says, " to speak any language whether native or foreign entirely by rules is quite impossible."

9. It neglects silent reading skill, which is most important in reading journals, periodicals, newspapers, and common English books.

10. The method is psychologically wrong as it gives stress to the use of 'eye' and totally ignores the use of ears.  

This Grammar topic not only specified grammar point but it describes the grammar-translation method that used in English grammar when we teach. I hope you will know grammar-translation method's how useful in teaching grammar.

1 comment:

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