Oct 2, 2018

Understand The Background Of Classification Of Figure Of Speech Now

You Will Never Thought That Knowing Classification Of Figure Of Speech Could Be So Beneficial!


Classification Of Figure Of Speech

There are many figures of speech. They may be classified as follows:-

A. Figures based on similarity or analogy or agreement:-

1. Simile 2. Metaphor 3. Allegory 4. Parable 5. Fable

B. Figures based on association

1. Metonymy 2. Synecdoche 3. Hypallage 4. Allusion

C. Figures based on difference:- 

1. Antithesis 2. Epigram 3. Oxymoron 4. Paradox 5. Climax 6. Anti-climax 7. The condensed sentence.

D. Figures based on imagination:- 

1. Personification 2. Pathetic Fallacy 3. Apostrophe 4. Vision 5. Hyperbole. (Exaggeration).

E. Figures based on indirectness:- 

1. Innuendo 2. Irony 3. Sarcasm 4. Periphrasis 5. Euphemism 6. Litotes.

F. Figures based on sound:- 

1. Onomatopoeia 2. Alliteration 3. Paronomasia 4. Pun

G. Figures based on construction:- 

1. Zeugma 2. Chiasmus 3. Interrogation 4. Exclamation 5. Aposiopesis 6. Hendiadys 7. Asyndeton 8. Polysyndeton 9. Hyperbaton. 

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