Mar 5, 2019

The best example of Transformations part - 1

Transformations of sentences

What are transformations?

The best example of Transformations part - 1

“ The transformation  or conversion of a sentence means changing its form without  uttering its sense.”

Ways of transformations sentences:

1.    Transformation of ‘too’ sentences:

This can be done by using so. that.. not.

(A)    1. He is too short to walk any further.

(B)    1. He is so tired that he cannot walk any further.

(C)    2. Atul is too poor to continue his studies.

(D)    2. Atul is so poor that he cannot continue his studies.

(E)    3. We are too late to catch the train.

(F)    3. We are so late that we cannot catch the train.

(G)    4. Ramukaka is too old to work.

(H)    4. Ramukaka is so old that he cannot work.

(I)    5. I am too busy to go out.

(J)    5. I am so busy that I cannot go out.

(K)    6. They are too young to work.

(L)    6. They are so young that they cannot work.

(M)    7. The man is too poor to buy clothes.

(N)    7. The man is so poor that he cannot by clothes.

If the sentence is in the past tense. The past tense of the can could be used e.g.

(A)    The boy was too frightened to speak.

(B)    The boy was so frightened that he could not speak.

(C)    He was too cunning to be cheated.

(D)    He was so cunning that he could not be cheated.

When too is used to denote more than required.

(A)    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

(B)    More cooks then are necessary to spoil the broth.

(C)    This is too much for me.

(D)    This is more than enough for me.

Too denotes negative meaning:

(A)    He is too clever not to know it.

(B)    He is so clever that he is sure to know it.

When the subject mentioned does not act itself, we have to put the appropriate subject seeing the reference of the action. E.g.

(A)    The house is too old to repair.

(B)    The house is so old that it cannot be repaired.

Or  1. The house is so old that one cannot repair it.

2.    The stones were so hard that they cannot be broken.

Use of so in place of too:

(A)    The farmer is so poor that he cannot buy seeds.

(B)    The farmer is too poor to buy seeds.

(C)    The man was so fat that he could not walk fast.

(D)    The man was too fat to walk fast.

Transformation of sentences showing condition :

There are some ways of showing condition.

(1)    If and unless :

It is used in positive sentences while unless means if not if is negative.
•    If
•    If he runs, he will be able to catch the rain.

•    You will succeed if you work hard.

•    If it does not rain, the crops will be ruined.

•    If he is not well, he will not come.


•    Unless he runs he will not be able to catch the train.
•    Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.
•    Unless it rains, the crops will be ruined.
•    Unless he is well, he will not come.

By  using in case:
1.    In case you go there, give him a message.

2.    In case he comes here, I will tell him your messages.

An omission of if :

1.    Had he tried, he would have succeeded.

2.    Should it rain, we shall stop at home.

3.    Were he to see me, he would know me.

By using but for and but that :

1.    But for an accident, they would have been here.

2.    But that there was an accident, they would have been here on time.

Ways of showing contrast :
Through, although and even if:

1.    Though he was absent, he finished his work.

2.    Although she is very young, she has traveled much.

3.    Even if you try, you will not succeed.

4.    Even though he was poor, he spent much.

5.    The question paper was easy, but he could not answer it.

Interchange of degrees of comparison: 

                There are three degrees of comparison:

1.    The positive degree
2.    Comparative degree
3.    Superlative degree

                           As the following examples show. It is possible to change the degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb in a sentence, without changing the meaning of the sentence.

1.    Positive: I am not so great as him.

2.    Comparative: He is greater than I.

3.    Positive: Anil is as smart as Atul.

4.    Comparative: Atul is not smarter than Anil.

5.    Positive: Ketan works at least as hard as Ketki.

6.    Comparative: Ketki does not work harder than Ketan.

7.    Superlative: Kolkata is the largest city in India.

8.    Comparative: Kolkata is larger than any other city in India.

9.    Positive: No other city is as large as Kolkata.

10.    Superlative: Amit is the cleverest boy in the class.

11.    Comparative: Amit is cleverer than any other boy in the class.

12.    Positive: No other boy in the class is as clever as Amit.

13.    Superlative: Milk is the most perfect food.

14.    Comparative: Milk is more perfect than any other food.

15.    Positive: No other food is so perfect as milk.

16.    Superlative: Australia is the largest island.

17.    Comparative: Australia is larger than any other island.

18.    Positive: No other island is as large as Australia.  

Also read: Types of sentences

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